Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Text Messages from God

“All that I wanted were things I had before.
All that I needed I never needed more.
All of my questions are answers to my sins.
All of my endings are waiting to begin.”

From Circle by Slipknot

I sent out the first query nearly three weeks ago. Now, I’ve sent out a total of thirty-two. Thirteen have come back rejected so far. I’m doing pretty good about staying positive. I know God has an agent out there for me. I just have to find him or her. I do hope that, whoever they are, they accept email queries, because that’s the list I’m going through first—agents who accept e-queries.

God keeps reassuring me, though. He keeps sending me messages that let me know everything will work out. A couple have even been text messages. No. I’m not losing my mind. Twice last week I was driving down the road, thinking about the book and I got behind two different vehicles with a license plate number that began with RVN. To someone else, that might be nothing, but about a month ago, while I was doing my 40 Days of Gradr thing, I was having trouble keeping my mind off the book and I passed a truck stop, at which sat a trailer with Raven Trucking on the side. Tuesday of last week, on the tower, I prayed to have a good day of writing and I heard a crow making a very raven-like sound at a point in my prayer where I had asked God for an answer to a specific question.

All these things, plus my Post 3 Raven story… You can call it coincidence. You can think I’m crazy all you want but I believe God is sending me messages through the raven. And I mean ‘the raven’ as not just a physical bird, but the word, the sound they make, the idea… of the raven. Saturday, my wife had gone shopping. When I got home, she told me she got me something. Her and her mom had seen a t-shirt with ravens on it. God blessed me with an awesome wife.

I’ve thought many times, well, maybe I should be looking for an agent who represents Christian fiction. Lost Gods is not really in that category but I was thinking that the story of how the book came to be and where I am now… eh… it might fit in there on the outskirts of the genre. Now that I think about it, though, I think God has a larger purpose in mind for it than just entertainment for Christians. Exactly what that purpose is, I don’t know yet but the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up when I think about the possibilities.

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